I did last year's Project Simplify and powered through my closet, countertop, and fridge/pantry, but bombed out on the kid's stuff assignment and the final week, which was choose-your-own.
This year's hot spots are the same and to be done one per week. Week One: Kids Stuff. I jumped on board a little early over the weekend and started to slowly begin going through the kid's stuff. It's so overwhelming... I began by totally gutting Bug's room of toys several days ago and putting it all in the basement with the rest of the toys that have been "out of rotation." Right now, there's only stuffed animals, books, and his trampoline in his room. I think I might like the idea of no toys in the bedroom. Since clearing it out, he really gravitates toward the bookshelf and I've found him quietly reading on his bed several times. It's pretty awesome.
Anyway, on Friday night after the kids were in bed (because when else can you go through toys?), I started to sort everything. I began with three bins for the toys to keep in rotation, a throw away pile, a bin for my sister, a bin for our nephew in GA, and a bin for our friends in DC (everything loud and annoying comin' back at ya, dear! He he he.) I hardly made a dent, but at least the ball is in motion and I can take it in small bites over the week. This is a project that has been hanging over my head since I ignored it during last year's project simplify and it was made even worse by a bombastic toy explosion this past birthday/Christmas season. I feel such a sense of relief that I'm finally ready to tackle this beast.
The basement storage room. (My apologies for the blown highlights. I took this with my phone.)
The first round of sorting. Baby steps...
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